
Tabs are rendered as a group of <div> tags to be handled using javascript. When the browser displays the page the currently selected tab is extracted from the URL hash. Browsers with javascript disabled will see all the tabs at once.

For cases where a tab is too heavy to be included on each request (or pages with just too many tabs) the tabs can include an action/event pair. These tabs will only get rendered when the current request is the same pointed by the tab.

Tag Information
Tag Class org.loom.tags.tabs.TabTag
Body Content scriptless
Dynamic Attributes true
    <l:tab id="tab1">
            Tab1 contents
    <l:tab id="tab2" action="Dummy" event="bar" param-parameter1="baz">
            Tab2 contents


Name Description Flags
id HTML attribute.
action If not null, this tab will point to the specified action/event pair and clicking it will trigger a request to the server.
class HTML attribute
decorator The name of the decorator to use. The default decorators for any form field will display the surrounding label.
event If not null, this tab will point to the specified action/event pair and clicking it will trigger a request to the server.
if If false, this tab will not be rendered. Default true.
mapping The mapping as action.event. This method is equivalent to setting action and event separately.
relative true if the url is relative (do not render schema, server or port), false to render a full URL. Default is true
target if not null, the tab link will open in another window